Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Forgotten Truth

It is a new year for those who do not know that the real new year started on September 30th.  Yes, I am using the Jewish calender, and that is the correct one.  I wanted to start my blog with the "new year" in mind.  We have many people out killing for our freedom, and others being killed.  We forget that we have a great creator who will help us all now with the suffering, if only we look to Yashua and his example.  Peace, and safety, is all everyone wants.  Lets give it to the world, and do so now.  The way is to give up your arms and thank the creator for his never ending love.  Give to the poor, feed the hungry, visit thoes in prison, house those who do not have a place to rest.  It is simple to do.  Call one another brother, or sister, and mean it with love in your heart.  Do not turn away a stranger when he/she askes for help.  This world is so open, but it is so closed.  We shall rise up and break the chains of our selfishness, and be a loving people.  I want to pray with you and become a society of believers who really care and are proactive.  The time is now.  The time to help is this minute.  Let YAHVAH bless us in our trials and help us through.  Let it be so!!!